• Evidencing the problem of discrimination and systemic racism and the different ways it shows up in today’s world

  • Changing the narrative of Black History and race issues being uncomfortable to speak about

  • Empowering people to speak out against discrimination in all its forms by removing the discomfort and anxiety they feel when engaging conversations with respect diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI)

  • Creating safe, judgement free spaces that allow people to self-reflect and show up with an open mind and the compassion needed to have healing conversations with respect to race, diversity, equity and inclusion

At AFRO FACTS, we intend to change the world and bring an end to systemic racism and discrimination by:

Emotionally intelligent educational tools played as games that create a safe space to share experiences, learn about Black History, collaborate on allyship, and understand different perspectives with respect to diversity, equity & inclusion.

Educational tools

Our workshops and webinars use a collaborative approach to increase awareness by questioning societal norms, stereotypes, and unconscious biases. Participants are able to reflect on how they may be unintentionally be contributing to the systems that perpetuate systemic racism while gaining the power that knowledge gives.

Workshops And Webinars

Lillah Penddah has over a decade of experience speaking and facilitating in the diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI) space. With her educational tools, workshops and webinars she has cultivated the ability to navigate the difficult topics in the DEI space while making people feel safe, supported, and not judged as they self reflect on their personal allyship journeys.

Her holistic approach uses emotional intelligence to help people hold themselves accountable without being accusatory as they reflect on past behaviors that may have unintentionally contributed to systemic racism and/or discrimination. She illuminates how accepting people where they are at with their knowledge and awareness does not equate to condoning past missteps and instead provides the sense of hope needed for change.

Her passion shines through as she utilizes the art of conversation to help her audiences step into their power in order to grow forward in a positive and empowered way.

Keynote Speaking

Inspiring Others

News & Facts